
Donald MacPherson is the principal naval architect and Technical Director of HydroComp, Inc.; a research consultancy specializing in applied hydrodynamic and propulsion system simulation. A graduate of the Webb Institute, he is widely regarded as one of the industry’s foremost experts in practical simulation for hydrodynamic analysis and propeller design. Donald is a Fellow of SNAME, as well as a member of its H-8 Propulsion Hydrodynamics and EC-14 Underwater Noise panels. He also participates on various URN-related technical committees as a subject-matter expert on propeller performance.

Adam Kaplan is Program Manager: Propeller Tools of HydroComp, Inc, and Chief Technical Officer of TrueProp Software. With an extensive background in CAD/CAM and manufacturing, Adam is a recognized expert within the marine propeller community. With over 10 years experience in software simulation, programming, and geometric design, he is an invaluable software developer and project manager. He is a member of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers and Membership Chairman for the local New England Section.

This webinar is intended to be a “practical primer” about propeller-generated noise and vibration – the not-so-hidden consequence of the useful forces that push and maneuver a boat. Propellers are just one player in the three-part harmony that make up the “hydroacoustic” system of Formation-Transmission-Response. Join HydroComp’s Jonas Armstrong for an introduction into how propellers generate noise and vibration, the mechanisms of noise transmission and response, and some suggestions for mitigation. Webinar date: December 8, 2023