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This two part series on Hull-Propeller Interaction complements our previous webinar on propeller-radiated noise with a focus on Wake Fields (Part 1) and Propeller Performance (Part 2). We discuss in…
This two part series on Hull-Propeller Interaction concludes with a session on Propeller Performance (Part 2). We discuss “wake-adapted” propeller design and analysis, as well as differences between…
As we analyze or design a vessel, we use NavCad for hydrodynamic and propulsion system simulation. The Vessel-Propulsor-Drive system model is built upon predictions for the various component pieces…
Surface-piercing propellers (SPPs) have a very specific blade form, with cleaver shaped outlines, high pitch-to-diameter ratios, and carefully crafted wedge-shaped sections. As a result, successful…
The evaluation of Propeller Radiated Noise (PRN) has always been part of the assessment of internal noise, vibration, and habitability. In recent years, PRN has become a focal point for international…
We all know that waterjets are a very effective propulsor for high speed craft. But how do we model waterjet performance for speed-power calculations? What is the influence of hull form on their ability to drive…
Pushboats are the industrial workers of commerce, moving barges from place-to-place on rivers across the globe. And we appreciate their tireless transport of goods and cargo now more than ever. But…
Vessel hull form drag is the principal system load that ultimately determines engine power, fuel consumption, and emissions, and we know that reducing this hydrodynamic “cost” is an important design…
Propeller hydrodynamics can be complicated and messy, and sometimes the combination of propeller, vessel shape, gearbox, and engine are less than perfect. Age or lack of maintenance can also compromise…
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